By Ed Kuhlman, on February 8th, 2008
Mantorville Square is having a “Sweetheart Sale” thru February 16
Stop in and find your sweetheart a
Valentine gift…
We have something for everyone!
¥Amish Baskets ¥Vintage Hats ¥Hummel Figurines ¥Garden Accessories
¥Milkhouse Candles ¥Scandinavian Gifts ¥Jewelry, China, Pottery
¥Toys, Glassware ¥Antique Furniture ¥Park Design Linens
416 North Main St.
Mantorville €¢ 507-635-5554
stop in and see us in February
By Ed Kuhlman, on January 21st, 2008
By Ed Kuhlman, on December 18th, 2007
If you haven’t been to Mantorville this Holiday season, there is still time. There are plenty of really great last minute gift items available in the stores. You can park right in front of the stores and enjoy the personal service that is only a memory in most towns. Most of you know about the Hubbell House, but did you know that Mantorville has not one, but two new places to eat. Now you can enjoy the hospitality of the County Seat Cafe on Main Street as well as the Old School Cafe located one block west next to the Grand Old Mansion. Mantorville is a holiday treasure just waiting to be discovered. Bring some friends and take a break from the stresses of crowds and traffic and come out to Mantorville. Mantorville Square has 25 dealers offering a large variety of antiques and gifts ranging from Red Wing pottery to vintage clothing to fine furniture, glassware, and jewelry. If you are looking for a last minute gift, you can choose from a large selection of Milkhouse Candles, fabrics from Park Designs, cute little stocking stuffers from Blossom Bucket, Amish baskets, a huge assortment of ceramic chickens, rustic iron and wood items, and many other interesting things. Be sure to stop in and say hello when you are in town.
By Ed Kuhlman, on November 27th, 2007
By Ed Kuhlman, on October 26th, 2007
We have another new line available at Mantorville Square. We have rearranged the rear part of the Square to accommodate the large inventory of costumes we have for rent. There are Halloween costumes, Western costumes, Renaissance costumes, animal costumes, gypsies, clowns, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Little Red Riding Hood, Cleopatra, Frankenstein’s monster, and the list goes on and on. We have more costumes than you can imagine. If you are thinking about Halloween, New Year’s, a themed costume party, a parade, a play, or any other fun event where you need a costume, come to Mantorville and see us.
By Ed Kuhlman, on October 24th, 2007
By Ed Kuhlman, on May 23rd, 2007
By Ed Kuhlman, on April 12th, 2007
By Ed Kuhlman, on April 12th, 2007
By Ed Kuhlman, on March 14th, 2007
Mantorville Restoration Association
Mulligan Stew Supper
& Live Auction
Hubbell House Stagecoach Room
Thursday March 15th, 2007
Supper starting at 4:30 p.m., Auction at 7:30 p.m.
Antique hand painted vase, Milk glass decanters (pr), Amethyst glass violin vase-Tom & Helen Ferry; Gourmet dinner for 6 at our house-John & Jane Olive; Crystal vase, Candle holders, Punch bowl set, Cake plate-Ann & Randy Collins: $50 Gift Certificate-Boe Chrysler Center; Mantorville crock, Rooster gift basket-Mantorville Square; Etched crystal dish, Pheasant plate-Paul Larsen; Coca-Cola Quilt-The Chocolate Shoppe; Hanging baskets-Kasson Hardware Hank; Touring Mantorville DVD-Dodge Co. Historical Society; One hour plane ride for 2-Bearwood Homes & Olive Bros. Excavation; Footed glass bowl, Cross-stitch tablecloth, Enamel kettle, Coke tray-Lyle & Theresa Hoaglund; Gift basket-Friends & Co; Phil Scholer duck stamp artist proofs: €˜82 €œRedheads€ and €˜83 €œPintails€, €œTale of 2 Cities-Kasson/Mantorville€-Citizen’s State Bank; $20 Gift certificate (2)-Harold’s Club; Floral touch lamp-Kasson Variety; Mantorville Watercolors(3), Spring basket-Riverside Gifts; 2 pair show tickets-Mantorville Theatre Co; Vintage quilt, Czech Crystal Compote-Memorabilia Antiques; Irish Doll-Kuhlman Auction; Catered dinner for 8 – Joanne Bennerotte; Tea for 16 at the Restoration House-MRA Members; Pastureland butter & cheese-DMJ Farms Inc.; Massage certicificates-Darla Blowers; Product Basket-Creative Change Hair Studio;One night hotel stay-AmericInn; 2 Signed Prints, Harley Davidson T-shirts-Linda & Gary Kreter; Shower clock radio, Cookie jar-Jim & Colleen Maxson; €œStar Wars Trilogy€ VHS-John Bishop; Cordless phone set- KM Telecom; €œIrish€ theme Gift Baskets-Don & Rose Pappas; Candle & Wine bottle holder-The Iron Gallery; Tall Amber Vase-Gail Berge; ¼ barrell Stage Coach Ale, ¼ barrell Root Beer-Mantorville Brewing Co.; Dome-top trunk-Marcia Drazkowski; Books, baskets & misc. items-Grand Old Mansion; €œLegend of the Bee€ collage-Beth Robb; Curio cabinet-Donna & Stanley Erickson; Dressing Chair, Mirrors, Cuckoo Clocks-Linda Schmidt; Sweatshirt, Calendars, Exercise/makeup bag, DVDs,VHS tapes, books-Anonymous Donors.
And many more items coming in daily!
Donations accepted through March 15th at Mantorville Square, 416 No. Main, (507) 635-5554.
Don’t miss the fun!!!
Proceeds to support the new Mantorville Welcome Center.
Thanks to the Hubbell House for hosting this event!!!
Auctioneer: Ed Kuhlman, LIC. # 66-30 Northfield MN
Mantorville Square Hours Mon-Sat: 10-5
Sun: 11-5
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