Spring Fling–Thursday, April 24-Sun, April 27 This weekend, starting Thursday, April 24 at 4:00 p.m., Mantorville will be hosting a Spring Fling to celebrate the arrival of warm weather with a number of special events. A rummage sale, book sale, and bake sale will be held at the Opera House with the proceeds benefiting the Mantorville Welcome Center, the Mantorville Chamber of Commerce and the Mantorville Restoration Association. On Saturday and Sunday, the Mantorville Art Guild will celebrate its first anniversary. Some of the local businesses will feature special promotions. Here at Mantorville Square, Mantorville’s largest (and only!) antique mall, many of our vendors will have sales. In addition, we’ll have 10-50 % off on selected gift merchandise.
For a fun weekend, head out to Mantorville. browse our fine shops, eat at one of our restaurants, and €œround up€ some bargains at Mantorville Square.
When you’re done shopping at Mantorville Square, it’s just a half block to Memorabilia Antiques, Mantorville’s oldest antique store.