By Ed Kuhlman, on November 30th, 2009
Make plans now to come to Mantorville on Saturday, December 5 and join the festivities of our “Olde Fashioned Christmas”. There will be horse-drawn wagon rides from 11 am – 3 pm. Children’s Arts & Crafts from 11am – 3pm at the Art Guild. Visit with Santa in the Opera House from 11am-3pm. Cider at the Welcome Center. Caroling throughout the day. Home tours from 12:30pm-5pm ($6 tickets available at any Mantorville Business). Yuletide on the Hill from 2:00pm-4:30pm. Lighting of the Christmas tree at 6:00pm at Riverside Park. Theater performance of “A Rented Christmas” at 7:30pm at the Opera House. Come and enjoy the day! Eat at one of Mantorville’s three restaurants. Shop at the oldest antique store in Dodge County. Browse in the largest antique mall in Dodge County. Enjoy some hand made candy at the Chocolate Shoppe. Visit the Art Guild and all the other shops. Plan to spend the day with us. Stop in at Mantorville Square and say hello.
By Ed Kuhlman, on October 20th, 2009
Come to Mantorville this weekend and join us for the Halloween festivities.
Saturday: Hay wagon rides, farmer’s market, pet costume contest, and book signing by Chris Larsen who has written “Ghost Stories of Southeastern Minnesota”. All this is followed by the Third Annual Halloween Bash for kids from 6-10 PM. The family friendly Haunted House will be open at 520 Main Street on Saturday and Sunday from 4-7:30 PM. On Sunday, there will be again be hay wagon rides and pumpkin painting. Of course all the shops and restaurants will be open. County Seat Coffeehouse will featue pumpkin spice pancakes, pumpkin spice lattes, and pumpkin chai on Saturday. School house cafe will be open until 8:00 PM on Saturday. Chocolate Shoppe will be open both Saturday and Sunday, featuring pumpkin ice cream. Hubbell House will feature Caramel Apple Crisp and Hot Bread Pudding. Mantorville Theatre Company will present the play “Wedding Belles” on Friday and Saturday evening at 7:30 and with a Sunday matinee at 2:00 PM. Mantorville Brewing Company will be open Saturday from 2:00 PM – 4 PM, featuring the “Growler” of Amber Ale and offering free samples and tours. Mantorville Saloon will have Saturday afternoon wine tasting from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Mantorville Art Guild will be the site for free Sunday afternoon pumpkin painting (pumpkins will be supplied) Be sure to stop at all the shops; Riverside Gifts, Memorabilia, Jim’s Little Shop of Art, Chocolate Shoppe, and of course be sure to stop in at Mantorville Square. We are the largest antique mall in Dodge County, and we have a great selection of antiques and gifts for all tastes. We are always adding something different. You probably know about our vintage clothing, and perhaps you have seen our “blue and white” booth, but you probably haven’t seen our selection of vintage magazines and paper ephemera. Be sure to stop in and visit with us this weekend.
By Ed Kuhlman, on September 2nd, 2009
                        Marigold Days is coming up soon in Mantorville. It always falls on the first weekend after Labor Day and this year it will be September 12 and 13. Mantorville will be ready for you. Flea market, Art Guild, antiques, crafts, gifts, food, entertainment, it will all be here. Mantorville has the largest antique mall in Dodge County (Mantorville Square) as well as the oldest antique store in Dodge County (Memorabilia). The pictures above are only a sample of what is available at Mantorville Square. In the first row from left to right: We have a booth where every item is blue and white decor; vintage clothing and hats; a wide assortment of better Red Wing pottery and crocks; fine china, glassware, and fishing lures; Indian artifacts; vintage 50’s western cowboy motif furniture. In the second row: primitives and retro kitchen; green depression glass and Scandinavian items; pottery and dishes; Belleek and Caprice; furinture; elegant glassware. Third row: Vases and furniture; art glass and great carnival glass; numerous sets of good china; burled walnut cylinder desk; better primitives; assorted old pictures. Fourth row: advertising tins, sports collectibles and sports cards, Van Briggle, candlewick, lace edge depression; jewelry; pincushions; glassware of all sorts. Also books, vintage magazines, ephemera, gifts, decor, garden items, Park Design fabrics, Blossom Bucket, Milkhouse candles, and lots more. Be sure to stop in and say hello when you are in Mantorville.
By Ed Kuhlman, on April 15th, 2009
Spring is here and lots of things are going on in Mantorville. Some of the upcoming events are:
Mantorville Art Guild Victorian Tea – April 25
Company “C” 3rd MN Spring Muster at Wasioja – May 2 & 3
Spring Fling at Mantorville – May 14 -16
Blue and Gray Civil War Tea – Milton House – June 27
Old Tyme Days – Tractor Pull, Theatre, Arts & More – June 28
Old Fashioned 4th of July – Food, Arts, Fast Draw and More – July 4 2009
Dodge County Free Fair – July 15 – 19 in Kasson – Minnnesota’s oldest County Fair
More fun than you can imagine awaits you this summer in Mantorville. Watch this site from time to time. I will try to do a better job of keeping up on what is happening in Mantorville and Dodge County.
By Ed Kuhlman, on December 2nd, 2008
This Saturday is Old Fashioned Christmas in Mantorville. Start with a tour of Mantorville on a horse drawn wagon ride. Meet in front of the Opera House any time between 11:00 AM & 3 PM. Make & Take activities (childrerns arts & crafts) at the Mantorville Arts Guild from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM (treats for the kids) Bake sale & cider at the Welcome Center from 12:00 PM until 4:00 PM. Go on the home tours from 12:30 PM until 5:00 PM and see the homes of John & Amy Ewing, Karl & Lynette Huppler, the historic 150 year old Doig house in Wasioja, the Wasioja Baptist church, and the Wasioja Creamery (recently featured in the Post Bulletin. Yuletide on the hill from 5 -7 PM at the Historical Society, and finish up with an “O Henry Christmas” at 7:30 at the Opera House. In between times, be sure to look for antiques at Mantorville Square and Memorabilia, treat your sweet tooth at the Chocolate Shoppe, visit the artist’s shops, look for gifts at Riverside, or have a bite to eat at one of Mantorville’s three restaurants. Just be sure to come over and spend a relaxing day in Mantorville. See you there on Saturday.
By Ed Kuhlman, on October 26th, 2008
By Ed Kuhlman, on October 22nd, 2008
Mantorville will be the place to be this weekend. We are having our Fall Festival. Come and join us for food, fun, and shopping. Look for antiques in Mantorville Square and Memorabilia. Meet the artists at the Mantorville Art Guild, Ed Gallina’s Art Gallery, and Jim’s Little Shoppe of Art. Shop at Riverside Gifts. Dine at the Hubbell House, the Schoolhouse Cafe, or the County Seat Coffee House. Enjoy seeing “Steel Magnolias” at the Opera House. Have a treat at the Chocolate Shoppe. Stop at the Mantorville Saloon for cider and wine tasting. Visit the Mantorville Brewing Company for a free sample of Amber Ale. Bring your kids along for Pumpkin Face Coloring Contest, Hay wagon rides, Ghost Stories. Bring your pet for the pet costume contest, Enjoy the Fall Fest dinner on Saturday. Just be sure to come and enjoy the day. See you there. See even more details on www.mantorvilletourism.com
By Ed Kuhlman, on June 15th, 2008
Come celebrate the past in historic Mantorville. Spend a day learning how our ancestors lived and enjoying some old-fashioned fun. Grab Grandpa, Grandma, and the kids, and take a step back in time.
Activities include:
-Antique tractor pull at 10:00 AM in Riverside Park
-Art Show at the new Mantorville Art Guild (11:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
-Mantorville Theatre Street Performances at 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM
-Guided Walking Tour at 11:00 AM
-Living History Displays throughout the city
– Melodrama at the Opera House at 2:00 PM
– Antique Tractor Display throughout the town
-Old Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake at the Welcome Center (12:00 PM – 4:00 PM)
And while you’re in Mantorville, come browse in our local shops.
By Ed Kuhlman, on April 20th, 2008
Spring Fling–Thursday, April 24-Sun, April 27 This weekend, starting Thursday, April 24 at 4:00 p.m., Mantorville will be hosting a Spring Fling to celebrate the arrival of warm weather with a number of special events. A rummage sale, book sale, and bake sale will be held at the Opera House with the proceeds benefiting the Mantorville Welcome Center, the Mantorville Chamber of Commerce and the Mantorville Restoration Association. On Saturday and Sunday, the Mantorville Art Guild will celebrate its first anniversary. Some of the local businesses will feature special promotions. Here at Mantorville Square, Mantorville’s largest (and only!) antique mall, many of our vendors will have sales. In addition, we’ll have 10-50 % off on selected gift merchandise.
For a fun weekend, head out to Mantorville. browse our fine shops, eat at one of our restaurants, and €œround up€ some bargains at Mantorville Square.
When you’re done shopping at Mantorville Square, it’s just a half block to Memorabilia Antiques, Mantorville’s oldest antique store.
By Ed Kuhlman, on February 9th, 2008
Mantorville Square Hours Mon-Sat: 10-5
Sun: 11-5
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